Crossfit Amsterdam
One of the oldest boxes in The Netherlands. CrossFit Amsterdam’s aim is: to make the people that want to work out with them, as fit as possible. To them fit means: fast, strong, explosive, agile, flexible and with the stamina of a beast. An attitude they demand of their printer too. After all the good rep More Color textile printing now also prints and embroiders many T-shirts and sweaters for other CrossFit boxes.
We place high demands on our athletes as well as on all our marketing and communication. Our merchandise is in keeping with our philosophy. Quality and focus are what we are about. More Color is one of the few printers that can meet all our demands.
Jarno Bonhof - Crossfit AmsterdamWe learn from specialists in many areas within sports. Learning from the best gives you the best results. Who uses their body weight best? Gymnasts! Who are the strongest? Power-lifters and strongman dudes. Who are the most explosive? The oly-lifters. And who has the greatest stamina? Runners, cyclists, rowers and swimmers. Mix all these elements together and alternate them regularly under high intensity and you have CrossFit in its purest form!
- We have been printing for Crossfit Amsterdam for over 6 years We also label the T-shirts and sweaters We delivered late once. Our penalty was 100-push ups ;)